Entry Fee - Classes 1-10, $5. Youth Classes 11 -16, Free entry
Entries Close - Thursday 21st November.
Thank you all for your incredible support in our show! We are excited to announce that we have reached our maximum exhibitor capacity and have had to close entries early due to the overwhelming number of participants. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to an amazing event!​
Cattle Entries Now CLOSED
Head Steward
Entry Information
D. Newcomen
Cattle Secretary
R. Mold - email raelenemold@gmail.com
G. Barker, B. Purvis
Yea A P& H greatly appreciate the generous sponsorship of prizes for our Cattle Section
Entries C/o Raelene Mold, 1168 Killingworth Rd Yea 3717
Email raelenemold@gmail.com 0409 330 885
Direct bank deposit is available, account details can be found at the bottom of the entry form. Cattle entries do not require a stamped self-addressed envelope. Please include animals DOB on entry.
All cattle exhibited including calves must have a NLIS tag.
PESTIVIRUS (BOVINE VIRAL DIARRHOEA VIRUS) All cattle entered in the Beef Cattle Competition, including calves at foot, must be tested for Pestivirus (Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus) and certified as non-PI (Persistently Infected). Certification of testing and proof of non-PI status is required in the form of a signed Veterinary Certificate or Laboratory Report, clearly listing animals and their identification.
All Exhibitors are required to complete the NCHD (Version 24/10/22) and submit this with entries.
a) All exhibitors must provide a correct Johnes Beef Assurance Score (J-BAS) with their entries.
b) Exhibits will be stalled based on the J-BAS provided
All cattle entered in the Stud Beef Cattle Section, must be entered or
eligible for entry in the Approved Herd Book.
All Bulls 1 year and over must be led with a nose ring lead.
Participation in Grand Parade at 1pm is required to collect prize money.
Prizes may be collected from the Secretary’s office from 3.30pm
Cattle exhibitors are able to use the netball rooms for camping on Friday night, shower and toilet facilities available.
BBQ tea Friday night, Breakfast and Lunch on Saturday Provided
Heifer Challenge
A special mention must go to Tarcombe Herefords, who we thank for their generous sponsorship for the Friday night Heifer Challenge classes
FRIDAY 22nd November Heifer Challenge at 6.30pm
Prizes (cash and products to the following value) awarded to 1st $150, 2nd $100,
and 3rd $50 in each class
Class HC1) Heifer under 14 months – Born after 24 Sept 2023
Class HC2) Heifer 14-18 months – Born between 24 May and 23 Sept 2023
Class HC3) Heifer 19-24 months – Born between 24 Sept 2022 and 23 May 2023
Champion Heifer $250 Donated by Tarcombe Hereford
Hoof and Hook
Sponsored by Alex Scott, Elders, Nutrien and Peter Ingham -The Grange
HEAD STEWARDS: Peter Tull, Gary Fitzgerald
STEWARDS: Rotary Club of Yea members
ENTRY FEE: $50 per lot
Includes pickup from farm to showgrounds / showgrounds to abattoir by
local transport operators Malcolm White, Gordon Buckland, Andrew Arthur,
Trevor Nash, Tom Oliver.
Open to: steers and heifers (must be milk tooth)
JUDGING: entries are to arrive at Yea Showgrounds before 8.30am on Saturday 23rd November.
Each vendor will receive an AUSMEAT appraisal on their carcase and
carcase judging with their payment.
Hot Standard Carcase Weight (HSCWT)
Range 180kg to 230kg
Fat Depth Range at P8:6-12mm
Hot Standard Carcase Weight (HSCWT)
Range 231kg to 300kg
Fat Depth Range at P8 :6-12mm
The competition will be on hoof to hook with 1st $100. 2nd $75, 3rd $50 in each class.
The overall champion will be selected from Carcase.
Champion Carcase sponsored by Alex Scott, Elders, Nutrien and Peter Ingham - The Grange
Ribbons and prize money will be distributed at the Cattle Producers’ Dinner on 29th November.
Hoof Awards: Cattle will be assessed live & judged as to their market
suitability for the above specification.
Carcase Awards: Carcases will be appraised using the AUSMEAT method of carcase appraisal. Points will be allocated for HSCWT, fat depth, fat colour, fat distribution, eye muscle area (in relation to HSCWT and meat colour. The carcase judge will have the right of excluding carcases from awards.
Carcase pricing: Carcase valuation will be negotiated by the Association and Works Management. Individual carcase value will be determined by use of price grids, as has been the case in past years. Carcase pricing will have no bearing on carcase awards.
For all cattle people, not just exhibitors. Includes a guest speaker and a casual
2 course meal. Drinks at Bar prices. $30 p/head. Limited places so please book early. Contact Kerry Tull 0423 404 235 murrinstone@hotmail.com
Saturday 23rd
Please see our new entry form with birth date and breed required
Classes as below being 1-7 for each breed.
Breed must be stated on entry form.
Prize money 1st $20, 2nd $15, 3rd $10
Class 1 Bull 14 months and under
Class 2 Bull 15 months to 19 months
Class 3 Bull 20 months and over
Class 4 Heifer 13 months and under
Class 5 Heifer 14 months and under 17
Class 6 Heifer 18 months and under 23 months
Class 7 Cow 24 months and over
Awards: Champion Bull in each Breed
Champion Female in each breed
Interbreed Competition
Prize Money 8-10 First $20, Second $15, Third $10
Class 8 Best Group of Beef cattle, both sexes to be represented
Class 9 Pair of Bulls, 2 years and under at date of show
Class 10 Pair of Heifers, 2 years and under at date of show
Supreme Champion Bull of the show Sponsored by Glenfield Charolais
Supreme Champion Female of the show Sponsored by Glenfield Charolais
A special mention must go to Banquet Angus for their generous sponsorship of all our junior classes
Classes 11-16 Free Entry, Prize money 1st $15, 2nd $10, 3rd $5
Age Taken from 1st May 2024
CLASS 12 - 12-14 YEARS
CLASS 13 - 15 & UNDER 25 YEARS
Age Taken from 1st May 2024
CLASS 15 - 12-14 YEARS
CLASS 16 - 15 & UNDER 25 YEARS


Conditions of Entry
1. Cattle entered in the competition are to have no permanent teeth when
mouthed on the day of the show, The entries can be of either sex.
2. Ear tags in the right ear of the animal as you face them will identify entries.
These will be supplied by Yea AP&H Association and must be placed in the
animal’s ear before arriving at the show grounds.
4. All cattle entered for hoof judging will participate in the carcase competition.
5. The P8 site (rump) will be used to measure the fatness of the carcase in
accordance with the AUSMEAT language.
6. Carcase awards (1st, 2nd. 3rd) will be given to entries on a points basis (max
100) for hot standard carcase weight, fat depth (PB), eye muscle area, fat
colour and muscle colour, Carcase outside the ideal weight range by 5% or
more will be ineligible for an award. Dark cutting carcase will also be ineligible.
7. All carcases remain the property of the exhibitor until cleared of meat
inspection procedures.
8. All entrants must complete a National Vendor Declaration and hand this to
the steward on arrival.
9. No exhibit will be accepted with any visible disease or parasite.
10. The Yea Agricultural, Pastoral and Horticultural Association reserves the
right of withdrawing any entry. Entries withdrawn forfeit the entry fee.
11. Carcases will be sold by the association on behalf of the owner, with
appropriate slaughter levy and other fees as determined deducted accordingly.
12. The exhibitor’s ABN must be included on the entry. Cattle will not be accepted
from exhibitors who do not supply an ABN.