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Events - Open Rings, Gymkhana, Fancy Dress     

Prizes - For selected Events






Entry Fee




Carol Ross, Chelsea Helder

Open Rings, Gymkhana, Fancy Dress   

Open and Breed Rings $6.00 per class. Gymkhana $3.00 per class. 

Entries on the day:

Cash Only


Contact – Carol Ross 0409504036 or Chelsea Helder 0417177242





* Parking— Be early for the best parking


*Rings 1-2 are conducted under current Equestrian  Australia Show Horse Rules and Regulations and EA General Regs.

 *Approved helmets ( AS/NZS 3838—ARB HS 2012) and as per EA General Regs.

Must be worn at all times while mounted
*Novice—not to have won a Novice class, competing singularly at an agricultural show
*Lunging allowed  in the main arena up to 8.45am
*Current registration papers must be available for horses entered in breed classes
*Off The Track Rules and Reg.
*All exhibitors enter at their own risk
* EA, SHC & RAS height certificates accepted
*Prize winners must be able to produce height certificate if required
*The Association does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions in the schedule
*Prizes will be collected from the Horse Entries tent. No prizes will be given out in the rings
*All protests must be lodged in writing no later than 8pm the Monday following the show accompanied by a fee of $100


*All stallions must wear a bit in their mouth and are only to be exhibited (ridden & led) by exhibitors 18 years and over


To be run under the rules and guidelines of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia (Inc.) All ponies exhibited in this section to be registered with the W.P. & C.S. of Aust. (Inc.) or the Welsh section of the APSB. All exhibits entered in this section must be owned or leased by a current financial member of either the W.P. & C.S. of Aust. (Inc.) or the APSB. No plaiting of purebred exhibits. These events sponsored by Yarra Valley Promotional Group of The Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Australia (Inc)      


Fancy Dress will be in Ring 1 at 12.30 Sharp


Judges will break for lunch at 12.30 sharp


There will be unwanted ribbon bin at the gate leading into the main arena if you would like to donate ribbons back


PLEASE NOTE* - All rings will stop at 1pm for the Grand Parade. (all horses and riders are encouraged to participate)






All classes including Gymkhana Ring, must be entered online. Please see above for details. All entries must be emailed through with a copy of the bank transfer and classes entered to:

A Big Thankyou to our sponsors

The NRG Team

The Curry Family
Yea Valley Ag

Yea Vet Clinic

Dindi Naturals
The Yarra Valley Promotional Group Of the Welsh and Cob Society of Australia

Victorian Pinto Society

Off the Track



Smith's Saddlery and Rug Repairs

M R & G Lawyers and Conveyancers

LP Designs

Riding Pony Society

Stonefield Waler and Warmblood Stud

Anne Larkin

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Ring 1 - Start 9 am

Judge - Daryl King


Sponsored by NRG       


Class 100. Smartest on Parade 10-15 years
E J Webb Sash
Class 101. Smartest on Parade 18yrs and over
Ronald Aldous Memorial Sash


Rules and Reg.

Class 102. Off the Track Open Ridden Class

Class 103. Off the Track Show Hunter Ridden
Class 104. Novice Hack over 15hh
Class 105. Open Hack 15hh n.e 15.2hh
Class 106. Open Hack 15.2hh n.e 16hh
Class 107. Open Hack 16hh n.e 16.2hh
Class 108. Open Hack 16.2hh and over

Class 109. Open Hack over 15hh
Champion and Reserve

Class 110. Novice Show Hunter Hack

Class 111. Show Hunter Hack 15hh n.e 15.2hh
Class 112. Show Hunter Hack 15.2hh n.e 16hh
Class 113. Show Hunter over 16hh n.e 16.2hh
Class 114. Show Hunter 16.2hh and over

Class 115. Show Hunter over 15hh
Champion and Reserve

Class 116. Rider 12 years and under 14 years
Class 117. Rider 14 years and under 16 years
Class 118. Rider 16 years and under 18 years
Class 119. Rider 18years and over

Champion Junior Rider – L.G Aldous Memorial Sash

Class 120. Novice Galloway 14hh n.e 15hh
Class 121. Open Galloway 14hh n.e 14.2hh
Class 122. Open Galloway 14.2hh n.e 15hh

Champion and Reserve

Class 123. Novice Show Hunter Galloway

Class 124. Show Hunter Galloway 14hh n.e 14.2hh
Class 125. Show Hunter Galloway 14.2hh n/e 15hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 126. Show Hunter Pony 11.2 and under
Class 127. Show Hunter Pony 11.2hh n.e 12hh
Class 128. Show Hunter Pony 12hh n.e 12.2hh
Champion and Reserve

Class129. Show Hunter Pony 12.2 n.e 13hh
Class 130. Show Hunter Pony 13hh n.e 13.2hh
Class 131. Show Hunter Pony 13.2hh n.e 14hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 132. Ridden Shetland

Class 133. Open Ridden Pony under 11hh

          (Shetlands ineligible)

Class 134. Open Ridden Pony 11hh & n/e 12hh

Class 135. Open Ridden Pony 12hh & n/e 12.2hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 136. Open Pony 12.2hh n.e 13hh
Class 137. Open Pony over 13hh n.e 13.2hh
Class 138. Open Pony over 13.2hh n.e 14hh
Champion and Reserve


Ring 2 Start 9am


Sponsored by Multicube


JUDGE –  Kara Woolcock



Rules and Reg.

Class 200. Off the Track Open Led Class
Class 201. Off the Track Show Hunter Led Class
Class 202. Smartest on Parade, rider 10 years & under

P & P Roberts Sash

Class 203. Smartest on Parade, rider 15 years & under 18 years

Anderson Hiscock Memorial Sash

Class 204. Good Hands (snaffle bit, Boys and Girls) rider 12 years and

                   under 15 years

Class 205. Open Leading Rein Pony 12hh & under, rider 3 years &

                  under 8  years

Class 206. Novice Ridden Pony not over 12.2hh

Class 207. Ridden Shetland

Class 208. Open Ridden Pony under 11hh  (Shetlands ineligible)

Class 209. Open Ridden Pony 11hh & n/e 12hh

Class 210. Open Ridden Pony 12hh & n/e 12.2hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 211. Novice Ridden Pony 12.2hh n.e 14hh

Class 212. Open Pony 12.2hh n.e 13hh
Class 213. Open Pony over 13hh n.e 13.2hh
Class 214. Open Pony over 13.2hh n.e 14hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 215. Rider under 6 years (may be led)
Class 216. Rider 6 years and under 8 years
Class 217. Rider 8 years and under 10 years
Class 218. Rider 10 years and under 12 years
Lola Anderson Champion Intermediate Rider

Class 219. Show Hunter Leading Rein Pony 12hh & under, rider 3 years

                  & under 8 years
Class 220. Novice Show Hunter Pony n.e 14hh

Class 221. Show Hunter Pony 11.2 and under
Class 222. Show Hunter Pony 11.2 n.e 12hh

Class 223. Show Hunter Pony 12hh n.e 12.2hh
Champion and Reserve

Class 224. Show hunter pony 12.2hh n.e 13hh

Class 225. Show Hunter Pony 13hh n.e 13.2

Class 226. Show Hunter Pony 13.2hh n.e 14hh

Champion and Reserve
Class 227. Open Hack 15hh n.e 15.2hh
Class 228. Open Hack 15.2hh n.e 16hh
Class 229. Open Hack 16hh n.e 16.2hh
Class 230. Open Hack 16.2hh and over

Class 231. Open Hack over 15hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 232. Show Hunter Galloway 14hh n.e 14.2hh
Class 233. Show Hunter Galloway over 14.2 n.e 15hh

Class 234. Show Hunter Galloway over 14hh n.e 15hh
Champion and Reserve
Class 235. Show Hunter Hack 15hh n.e 15.2hh
Class 236. Show Hunter Hack 15.2hh n.e 16hh
Class 237. Show Hunter Hack over 16hh
Champion and Reserve

Class 238. Open Galloway 14hh n.e 14.2hh
Class 239. Open Galloway 14.2hh n.e 15hh

Class 240. Open Galloway 14hh n.e 15hh
Champion and Reserve


Ring 3 – Start 9am

JUDGE – Ashlyn Browitt


Sponsored by SPPHAV

NOTE: This show program is open to all freeze branded Standardbred horses.

Non-Racing (purebred without a freeze brand) horses must be registered with the SPPHAV and owner able to show proof of membership on demand

.*   Indicates that partbred horses (registered with the SPPHAV) are eligible to enter these events.


RIDDEN CLASSES: Horses can be competed in all three (3) ridden classes (Open Gender, Novice and Foundation) if they match all the criteria. This allows for more ring exposure and experience for the less experienced horses. Horses may not be accepted into Novice/Foundation classes after the Open classes at the judge’s discretion. A competitor may be asked to leave the ring if the judge believes a horse has displayed adequate canter ability in the previous classes. This show is part of the Annual HRV High Point Award program and other Annual Awards on offer to SPPHAV members.

Classes 301 and 302 to be judged without workouts
Class 301. * Best Presented Male
Class 302.* Best Presented Female
Standard workouts for all the following Led Classes
Class 303. *Novice Led Horse
Class 304.* Led Partbred Male
Class 305. *Led Partbred Female
Champion and Reserve Led (304 and 305)
Class 306. Led Male Entire/Gelding 15.2hh and under
Class 307. Led Male Entire/Gelding over 15.2hh

Champion and Reserve Led (306 and 307)
Class 308. Led Female 15.2hh and under
Class 309. Led Female over 15.2hh
Champion and Reserve Led Female Standardbred (308 and 309)


HERO Off The Track

Rules and Reg


Class 310. Hero off the Track Open Led

Class 312. *Smartest on Parade – judged on the circle with walk, trot and/or  Canter

The following ridden and rider classes all require individual workouts

Class 313. *Ridden Partbred Male
Class 314. *Ridden Partbred Female
Champion and Reserve Ridden Partbred (313 and 314)
Class 315. Ridden Male Entire/Gelding
Class 316. Ridden Female
Champion and Reserve Ridden ( 315 and 316)
Class 317. Novice Ridden – horse has some canter ability
Class 318. Foundation Ridden Standardbred – Horse unable to canter
Class 319. *Novice Rider
Class 320. *Rider 25yrs and under

Class 321. *Rider over 25yrs
Champion and Reserve Rider (320 & 321)

Class 322. Hero Off the Track Open Ridden




to follow on after Standardbreds not before 11am

Sponsored by the Yarra Valley Promotional Group of the Welsh Cob Society

Class 324. Welsh Mountain Stallion / Colt

Class 325. Welsh Mountain Mare / Filly / Gelding

Champion Welsh Mountain

Class 326. Welsh Pony Stallion / Colt

Class 327. Welsh Pony Mare / Filly / Gelding

Champion Welsh Pony

Class 328. Welsh Pony of Cob Type - Stallion / Colt

Class 329. Welsh Pony of Cob Type - Mare / Filly / Gelding

Champion Welsh Pony of Cob Type

Class 330. Welsh Cob - Stallion / Colt

Class 331. Welsh Cob - Mare / Filly Gelding

Champion Welsh Cob

Class 332. BEST IN-HAND WELSH EXHIBIT - Garland kindly donated by Yarra Valley Regional Promotional Group of the Welsh Pony & Cob Society (winner of Best In Hand not eligible for Young Stock or Senior Challenges)

Class 333. YOUNGSTOCK WELSH CHALLENGE open to all pure Welsh ponies and Cobs 3 years and under. Winner receives a Floral Rosette and placegetters receive ribbons

Class 334. SENIOR WELSH CHALLENGE open to all pure Welsh Ponies and Cobs 4 years and Over. Winner receives a Floral Rosette and placegetters receive ribbons.

Class 335 Led Part Welsh, 3 years and under

Class 336. Led Part Welsh, 4 years and over

Champion and Reserve Led Part Welsh Exhibit

Class 337. Ridden Welsh Stallion / Colt - any Section

Class 338. Ridden Welsh Mare / Filly / Gelding - any Section

Champion Ridden Welsh

Class 339 Ridden Part Welsh not exceeding 12.2 hh.

Class 340. Ridden Part Welsh Over 12.2 hh.

Champion Ridden Part Welsh


Ring 4 start 9am


JUDGE – Les Judd


Open Led


Class 401. Led Pony n.e 12.2hh

Class 402. Led pony 12.2hh n.e 14hh

Class 403. Led Galloway 14hh n.e 14hh

Class 404. Led Hack n.e 16hh

Class 405. Led Hack 16hh and over

Champion and Reserve Champion Led



Sponsored by the Curry Family
Class 406. Best Presented
Class 407. Led Stallion/Colt
Class 408. Led Mare/ Filly
Class 409. Led Gelding
Champion and Reserve
Class 410. Ridden Fjord


Class 411. Best Presented
Class 412. Best Led Male
Class 413. Best Led Female
Champion and Reserve
Class 414. Ridden Palomino



Class 415. Led Shetland Mare

Class 416. Led Shetland Gelding

Class 417. Led Shetland Stallion

Champion and Reserve           

Class 418. Ridden Shetland


Stock Horses


To follow Shetlands not before 11am

Sponsored by Yea Valley Ag


Class 419. Led under 4 years
Class 420. Led 4 years & over.
Champion and Reserve Champion Led ASH
Class 421. ASH Turnout
Class 422. Ridden Stockhorse under 4 yrs.
Class 423. Ridden Stockhorse 4 yrs. and over
Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden ASH
Class 424. Working Stockhorse under 4 yrs.
Class 425. Working Stockhorse 4 yrs. and over
Champion and Reserve Champion Working ASH


Waler / Light horse - To follow stockhorses


Must be registered with WHSA or WHOBAA

Class 426. Best Presented

Class 427. Led- male
Class 428.Led- female
Champion and Reserve Led
Class 429. Ridden- male
Class 430.Ridden- female
Champion and Reserve Ridden


Sponsored by Smith’s Saddlery & Rug Repairs

Class 431. Light horse exhibit


SUPREME WALER Sponsored by Stonefield Waler Stud

(based on points from best presented, led and ridden)


Ring 5 start at 9am


JUDGE – Sarah Berry

Pinto – Sponsored by the Victorian Pinto Association
Pintos must be registered with the VPS and owners are to be

financial members of VPS


Class 501. Best Presented Pinto

Class 502. Led stallion 10.2hh & under

Class 503. Led mare 10.2h & under

Class 504. Led gelding 10.2hh & under

Class 505. Led colt, filly or gelding, 10.2hh & under,3yrs & under

Champion and Reserve Champion

Class 506. Led yearling or under, over 10.2

Class 507. Led Colt 2 & 3 years 10.2 over

Class 508. Led Filly 2 & 3 years, over 10.2

Class 509. Led Gelding 2 & 3 years and over, over 10.2hh

Class 510. Led Stallion 14hh over, 4 years over

Class 511. Led Stallion 10.2hh & under 14hh, 4 years over

Champion and Reserve Champion Junior

Class 512. Led Stallion 14hh over, 4 years over

Class 513. Led Stallion 10.2hh & under 14hh, 4 years over

Champion and Reserve Champion Male

Class 514. Led Mare 14hh & Over, 4 years and over

Class 515. Led Mare over 10.2hh and under 14hh, 4 years over

Champion and Reserve Champion Female

Class 516. Led Gelding 14hh & over, 4 years over

Class 517. Led Gelding over 10.2hh and under 14hh, 4 years over

Champion and Reserve Champion Gelding

Supreme Champion Led Pinto

Class 518. Ridden pinto 10.2hh & under

Class 519. Ridden pinto 14hh & over

Class 520. Ridden pinto over 10.2hh & under 14hh

Champion and Reserve Champion Ridden Pinto




Sponsored by Riding Pony Society


To follow on after Pintos (but not before 10am)


All exhibits must be registered with the RPSB and all exhibitors (owners, handlers & riders) must be current financial members


Class 521. Led Yearling Colt, Gelding, Filly ne 13.3hh

Class 522. Led Two Year Old Colt, Gelding, Filly ne 14hh

Class 523. Led Three Year Old Colt, Gelding, Filly ne 14.1hh

Class 524. Led Over Height under 3 yrs old


Class 525. Led In-Hand Senior Show Pony ne 12.2hh

Class 526. Led In-Hand Senior Show Pony 12.2hh ne 13.2hh

Class 527. Led In-Hand Senior Show Pony 13.2hh ne 14.2hh

Class 528.Led In-hand Show Pony Hack over 14.2hh


Class 529. Led In-Hand Senior Show Hunter Pony ne 12.2hh

Class 530. Led In-Hand Senior Show Hunter Pony over 12.2hh ne 13.2hh

Class 531. Led In-Hand Senior Show Hunter Pony 13.2hh ne 14.2hh

Class 532. Led In-hand Show Hunter Hack over 14.2hh



Class 533. Ridden Newcomer

Class 534. Ridden Show Pony or Hunter Pony ne 12.2hh

Class 535. Ridden Show Pony or Hunter Pony over 12.2hh ne 13.2hh

Class 536. Ridden Show Pony or Hunter Pony 13.2hh ne 14.2hh

Class 537. Ridden Show Pony or Hunter Hack over 14.2hh



Ring 6 - Pony Club​


JUDGE - Deb Harding


GYMKHANA – follow on from Pony Club


JUDGE - Gaye Fisher


Sponsored by Anne Larkin

These classes are to encourage Novice Riders. Regular show riders are not eligible. Neat and Tidy appearance. Approved Helmets and riding boots are to be worn.


Class 625.  Hairiest Pony/Horse

Class 626. Quietest Horse or Pony (under 10 yrs
Class 627. Quietest Horse or Pony (over 10 yrs)
Class 628. Prettiest Horse or Pony (under 10 yrs)
Class 629. Prettiest Horse or Pony (over 10 yrs)

Class 630. Horse or Pony with the longest Tail

Class 631. Horse or Pony with the longest mane

Class 632. Walking race

Class 633. Trotting race

Class 634. Apple bobbing

Class 635. Water Cup race

Class 636. Bareback rider

Class 637. Bending race
Class 638. Flag race

Class 639. Fancy Dress
















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Carol Ross - 0409 504 036

email -

Chelsea Helder - 0417 177 242


© Yea Agricultural, Pastoral & Horticultural Association Inc

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